Voting In Kuala Lumpur Is Berjubel, Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Claims Elections Abroad Are Conducive

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lalu Muhamad Iqbal said that the implementation of Indonesian elections abroad was conducive, despite several problems.

However, he said, the problem could be resolved properly by the overseas election committee (PPLN) in each country.

"As far as we are concerned, everything is conducive. There are problems that arise here and there, but with the support of representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, PPLN in each country can solve the problem well," Iqbal said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 12.

Iqbal admitted that holding Indonesian elections abroad was not easy because he had to respect local laws and regulations. For this reason, support and facilitation by Indonesian representatives abroad is needed.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and representatives of the Republic of Indonesia are not organizers, but as a form of moral responsibility, the Foreign Minister (Retno Marsudi) asked all Indonesian representatives to monitor and support the success of elections (for Indonesian citizens) abroad," he said.

Chairman of the Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy'ari also said that voting abroad went well and smoothly so that all voters could be served by their voting rights.

"Alhamdulillah, the reports show that overseas voting went well and smoothly, and indeed the one who became the concern was Kuala Lumpur, then Jeddah. Danalhamdulillah, everything went smoothly," said Hasyim after reviewing the voting process in Kuala Lumpur, Sunday (11/2).

The KPU will see the situation if something is found not procedural during the voting, it will be checked. If there is something to be fixed, said Hasyim, it will be fixed. Voting abroad takes place earlier than the voting schedule in Indonesia, and is adjusted to the situation in each country.

However, the vote count was carried out in conjunction with the domestic vote count, starting February 14.