Allegedly Misprocedure, The Election Logistics Was Withdrawn By The Makassar KPU From Sangkarrang Island

The General Election Commission (KPU) of Makassar City, South Sulawesi, was forced to withdraw the logistics for the election of ballot boxes and ballots that had arrived at the Sangkarang Islands District office because it was suspected that the procedure had not been hacked after being sent by ship to Barrang Lompo Island.

"So, those who have not been hacked. They will be re-distributed first today," said Makassar KPU member Mohammad Abdi Goncing as reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 12.

Previous logistics delivery was taken into account for the efficiency considering that the ship carrying the logistics could load all luggage and not wet when it arrived at the PPK warehouse in Sangkarrang District because it traveled the sea route.

"So, the efficiency referred to here is not a matter of budget efficiency, but rather to the efficiency of ballot boxes, which if piled up are feared to be supported or damaged. Moreover, the ballot boxes are also, if they have been pACKed, contain ballot documents and all logistics in ballot boxes," he said.

Separately, the Head of Makassar Bawaslu, Dede Arwinsyah, admitted that he had received news and sent a letter asking the Makassar KPU to provide an explanation for the reasons for returning the logistics after arriving at the warehouse of the local sub-district office.

"For example, if we have answered our letter, and we find that there are allegations of violations related to procedures and mechanisms, then we can determine them as findings. If there are allegations related to violations of the procedures and mechanisms," said Dede.

Meanwhile, the Coordinator of the Prevention, Community Participation, and Public Relations Division of Makassar Bawaslu Rizal Suaib said he participated in delivering logistics by ship to the PPK warehouse in Sangkarrang District.

"From the chronology, actually at midnight after arriving, we discussed with 14 officers in the kelurahan that there was a problem with the election logistics sent by the Kpu this morning and had to be returned to the city, because we did not know the details of that night," said Rizal.

Furthermore, this morning, all logistics on the third floor of the sub-district office logistics storage warehouse were brought down even though there were already some ballot boxes assembled to be taken to the Barang Lompo Island pier to be brought back to the logistics warehouse in Makassar City.

"All logistics were brought to the dock to be taken home this morning. All of them were withdrawn, there were 41 taps there. This is as discussed by the chairman, the possibility of procedural errors, or in general, there may be regulations being violated," he said.

According to Rizal, the Makassar KPU interpretation has not been annexed, he said, in principle all logistics are still pure as they come out of the warehouse. Especially for ballots in sealed brown boxes and ballot boxes, it is still like the factory has not been assembled.

"Based on the procedure, it must have contents, anything according to the law, then it was sealed and then sent. This may be what is considered not according to the procedure, so come back again. I think so far," he said.