8 How To Face Anxiety On Uncertainty

YOGYAKARTA In achieving a certain goal, a person makes a plan. In the midst of realizing the plan, anxiety may haunt. This anxiety often affects mentally, as well as physically. To overcome the effects of worsening mental health, here's how to deal with anxiety in uncertainty.

The most common response to anxiety is to avoid it. The urge to avoid sometimes makes no sense and makes you even more frightened. So it's important to pay attention to what you feel, which part of the body is tense, and to know how anxiety arises. By knowing and paying attention to anxiety, it will help you handle it better.

It's important to know, when undergoing new activities, the natural response of your mind is to find potential harm. You will create a scenario to solve potential hazards. But this is a disaster especially if it is based on stories that are not facts. According to psychotherapist Noelle McWard, LSCW. reported by Psychology Today, Sunday, February 11, it is important to stand on facts to take negative thoughts more realistic.

It's true if you make a plan based on facts. That way you will go through the journey according to the plan whose dangers have been taken into account and can be resolved. Small steps are also important, because it helps keep going and overcomes your anxiety.

When anxious, the breath feels fast and the heart is strong. For that, McWard recommends breathing exercise. Take a long breath and take a break for a while. Calming the nervous system through a slow and deep breath will signal the brain that you are safe. So this car helps the brain's need to solve problems and recognize potential hazards based on facts.

It's important to recognize anxiety to say 'This is just anxiety' or This is a fact'. This allows you to have a thought without being involved with that thought. That is, in order not to get carried away by feelings, it is important to recognize anxiety and when to take action to overcome it.

Realize that anxiety is present to keep you safe. You can be grateful for this anxiety, but realize that anxiety needs to be overcome and doesn't help solve the danger.

Anxiety to find a sense of security, not happiness. Your mind often equates between new or unknown and unknown and dangerous things. Remember, any decision to approve new things is made for the sake of happiness or satisfaction. So getting it requires getting through danger, novelty, and insecurity. That is, achieve the value you want as a goal so that you get through fear.

Anxiety can paralyze, it's important to forget yourself. McWard advises, encourage yourself with great love. Care for yourself and be kind to yourself.

Those are the eight ways to deal with anxiety in uncertainty. The above way you can practice everyday so that you achieve the goals you have planned well.