Buru Police Boss Owner 111 Kg Of Shabu And 131 Thousand Ecstasy To Be Circulated In South Sumatra

The South Sumatra Regional Police (Sumsel) are hunting for a suspect (RK) suspected of being the boss of the 111 kilograms methamphetamine owner and 131,695 ecstasy pills in Palembang City. Head of South Sumatra Police Inspector General A Rachmat Wibowo explained that RK was on the wanted wanted list (DPO) because he was the mastermind behind the three perpetrators of drug agents 111 kilograms and 131,695 ecstasy pills, currently the three perpetrators (HR, PJ, PN) have been arrested and secured at the South Sumatra Police Headquarters.

"RK is a fugitive who usually orders the three perpetrators in large numbers through Whatsapp Call and is a resident from Medan City, North Sumatra," said Rachmat, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, February 11.

He emphasized that RK will continue to investigate and be arrested in fighting drugs in the jurisdiction of the South Sumatra Police.

Meanwhile, HR, PJ, PN, was ordered by RK to act as an agent who accommodated drugs in a house called the warehouse perpetrator.

Inspector General Pol Rachmat explained that HR was arrested on Thursday, February 1, 2024 on the Palembang-Betung highway through information obtained from the public.

Meanwhile, PN was arrested on the same day suspected of having a meeting with HR. "The PN's residence was searched, then PJ was found to be his wife keeping the methamphetamine in his house," he said.

He added that the three perpetrators were charged with Article:

Primary Article 114 paragraph (2) Subsidiary Article 112 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph (1) RI Law no. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, the threat of death penalty or life sentence.

Based on the disclosure of the narcotics case, 1,379,810 people were exposed to the dangers of drugs by the South Sumatra Police.