Participants In The 2024 Election In Natuna Send Their Own Campaign Attributes, But Not In All Districts

KEPRI - Participants in the 2024 General Election in Natuna Regency released and independently revoked their Campaign Performance (APK) equipment.

Head of the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Natuna Siswandi Regency said that the control independently after getting his party made an appeal.

"Last night I went around and saw several locations where the APK was held, there were election participants who released their APK independently," he said in Natuna, Riau Islands (Kepri), Sunday, February 11, which was confiscated by Antara.

However, he continued, until Sunday, February 12 morning, especially in the East Bunguran District, there were still many APKs that were still installed.

Therefore, his party has begun to control and control carried out in all regions.

"This morning we did an apple for controlling the APK and then continued with control," he said.

In controlling his party, assisted by the Natuna Regency Government (Pemkab), TNI, Polri, KPU and Bawaslu ranks in the sub-district.

"We thank you for your presence in controlling this APK," he added.

Separately, one of the participants in the Sirojuddin election said he had released his APK independently.

However, the APK that was released was only in the East Bungaran sub-district.

"For other areas, we have not released it," he said.

Previously, Bawaslu Natuna appealed to all participants of the 2024 General Election to independently release and revoke the APB to face a calm period today, Sunday, February 11.