Distribution Of Election Logistics In Natuna Using A Kayu Ship, KPU: Covered With Paling

The General Election Commission (KPU) of Natuna Regency in the Riau Islands (Kepri) distributed logistics for the 2024 General Election to the outermost District Election Committee (PPK) using wooden ships.

The head of the Natuna Regency KPU, Kusnaidi, said that on Sunday 11 Faberuari, his party sent logistics for the five PPK elections.

The five PPKs include PPK Pulau Tiga, PPK Pulau Tiga Barat, PPK Seluan, PPK Bunguran Barat and PPK Bunguran Utara.

Before being taken by wooden boat, he said, logistics from the Natuna KPU warehouse were distributed to the port using a pickup truck.

"For North Bunguran from our warehouse to the PPK warehouse, we transport it with lori because it is still on the same land, while the other four sub-districts after arriving at the port are transported by wooden ships," he said in Natuna, Kapri, Sunday, February 11, which was confiscated by Antara.

He ensured that the logistics sent were protected from heat and rain because the logistics were covered with tarpaulins.

"We also cover the logistics (silence box) with clear plastic to anticipate damage," he said.

In order to ensure that logistics arrive in good and safe condition, his party together with Bawaslu Natuna, Natuna Police and other stakeholders will participate in guarding and supervising the distribution to the PPK warehouse.

"Our team participated in delivering logistics to the PPK," he added.

Kepada para petugas yang telah membantu, ia mengucapkan terima kasih.

He hopes that the synergy will continue to be well maintained at any time.

"We are greatly helped by the existence of Bawaslu, Polres and other stakeholders," he said.