Street For Up To 3 Days, The Struggle For Introductory Logistics For Elections In The Interior Of Banggai

Four personnel from the Banggai Resort Police (Polres), Central Sulawesi Police (Sulteng) oversee the distribution of logistics for the 2024 General Election to remote areas of Pagimana District, Banggai Regency on foot.

"Because the distance is quite far, about three days on foot, so the logistics for the 2024 General Election to the Voting Site (TPS) of Baloa Doda Village, Pagimana District will be distributed early starting on February 8," said the Head of the Pagimana Police, AKP Makmur, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, February 9.

Logistics distribution escorts were carried out earlier to polling stations in the village to anticipate uncertain weather conditions.

Meanwhile, the distribution of election logistics in Banggai Regency to each sub-district has begun from February 5, 2024, for 1,211 polling stations in the area.

The police chief said that the four Banggai Police personnel assigned were Aiptu Frets Adolf Rombot, Bripka Agus Tongkasi, Brigpol Mohammad Rifandi Yasin and Brigpol I Gede Aryadi Oka.

On the way, he said, officers consisting of the TNI-Polri, the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS), the Voting Committee (PPS) and local residents had to climb mountains, pass through the wilderness and hit several rivers that were heavy to get to the village.

"The escort of election logistics consisting of boxes and ballots and other documents is carried out as a form of Polri's commitment to make the democratic party a success," he said.

On the way to the escort, the team in charge of carrying makeshift food supplies, such as rice, instant noodles, sardines and others.

"All of this is done as a form of dedication so that the implementation of the 2024 General Election in the voting stage on 14 February can run smoothly," he said.

Therefore, he hopes that the team on duty will not get obstacles and obstacles, such as heavy rains and wild animals on the trip.