Regarding The Hydrogen Energy Ecosystem In Indonesia, Gaikindo: This Is An Interesting Option

The automotive industry is currently enlivened by a wide selection of alternative energy to reduce the number of emissions, ranging from hybrid, Electric Vehicle (EV), synthetic fuel, and hydrogen.

Although the market for hydrogen vehicles is still very small, this alternative energy is an attractive option and has the potential to enliven the automotive market in the future.

In Indonesia, this ecosystem was developed by the State Electricity Company (PLN) through the operation of 21 Green Hydrogen Plant facilities last November. This PLN breakthrough is capable of producing hydrogen energy of 199 tons per year.

In addition, Pertamina together with Toyota will also develop a hydrogen ecosystem for passenger vehicles. Through PT Pertamina New and Renewable Energy, the company will build charging infrastructure to support this ecosystem.

Knowing this, Yohannes Nangoi, as the General Chair of the Indonesian Automotive Industries Association (Gaikindo), welcomed this alternative energy positively and has the potential to expand options in choosing environmentally friendly vehicles.

"In our opinion, this is an alternative energy and if this can be applied properly, this will be extraordinary. So, the choice of consumers in determining the choice of vehicles is increasing," said Nangoi in an interview session with the media in Kuningan, Jakarta, Wednesday, February 7.

Nangoi added that hydrogen energy is an interesting solution so that vehicle users are not only fixated on one to two technologies.

This proves that technology is not only fixated on combustion or electric engines. Hydrogen is one of the best options, "explained Nangoi.

He also said that hydrogen energy has great potential in the automotive industry, especially if the financing can be reduced, then this alternative energy can be in demand by the community.

"I've reviewed about green hydrogen developed by Pertamina and we're impressed with this technology. If they manage to reduce the amount of financing, this will be an extraordinary energy," said Nangoi.

Currently, Toyota is the market ruler in the hydrogen vehicle segment by producing Mirai globally. The sedan was launched in 2014 and has entered its second generation.

This long wheelbase car has three tanks to accommodate hydrogen which is also driven by lithium-ion 1.24 kWh and can produce 182 dk of power with the help of rear wheels driving.