Coordinating Minister For Human Development And Culture Muhadjir Hopes For One Round Presidential Election: I Have No Intention To Side With Anyone
JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy hopes that the 2024 presidential election will take place one round, whoever will be the winner.
"What's wrong if I also push for just one round, and I have no intention of side with anyone," Muhadjir said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 7.
According to him, from observations and hearing the expectations of the contestants through the winning team, each of them is confident that they can win in one round.
"So, the success team 01 is sure to win one round, the 02 success team is also like that, sure to win one round, and the 03 success team is also sure to win one round," he said.
As for the consideration that the 2024 presidential election can be one round, he said, by financing, social risks, investment risks, and macroeconomic risks.
Muhadjir explained that fiscal or cost, if it had to be in two rounds, the government had to provide a budget of around Rp. 17.3 trillion. In fact, the value could be more if accumulated with other financing, such as security.
"Untuk keamanan sangat tergantung semakin tidak aman semakin tinggi costnya perkiraan kita bisa sampai Rp40 triliun total untuk keamanan dan lain-lain itu. Ditambah biaya untuk KPU itu bisa sampai Rp40 triliun," katanya.
Meanwhile, regarding social risks, according to him, the intensity of the conflict if the 2024 presidential election occurs in two rounds will be higher.
"And we have to be grateful now, so far, in terms of security from our stability, I think it is relatively much better than the 2019 presidential election," he said.
The increasing political escalation, he said, would affect the investment climate. Later there will be problems with unemployment and poverty.
Muhadjir realized that what he was saying would spark pros and cons in society, even connecting them with candidate pairs. However, Muhadjir emphasized that he did not side with anyone.
"In fact, if the winning team who talks is considered okay, but then if I say it is considered wrong," he said.