Release Daily Worker Rights: Freelancer Must Know!

YOGYAKARTA - Not a few business owners and companies that employ casual daily workers compared to full-time workers on the grounds of keeping business spending or protecting cash flow stable. Not only that, freelancers are considered more flexible because they can be contacted at any time when their services are needed by the company. However, there are still some free daily workers' rights that must be fulfilled by business owners who work together with freelancers. Furthermore, let's understand the provisions, rights, and regulations of casual daily workers that apply in Indonesia. So, what is the right of the freelance daily worker like?

Rules About Release Daily Workers Or Freelancers In Indonesia

In accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration Number. 100/MEN/IV/2004, work contracts are freelance or freelance, including in the temporary work contract (PKWT).

Freelance is a job with irregular working days and days, and wages are calculated according to work agreements, daily attendance, tenure, to work volume.

Freelance works as a certain time worker (PKWT) and is a contract. The main difference between this freelance work agreement is that the employee's tenure is no more than 21 days per month.

The company's HR management ministry is important for tracking and recording the number of freelancer working days. If the working day is more than 21 days per month, it will automatically have permanent employee status or PKWTT.

The rights of casual daily workers have also been stipulated in the Manpower Law in Indonesia, to be precise Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation which regulates casual daily workers. In the Job Creation Law, daily workers are categorized as in a Specific Time Work Agreement, where one of the rights that must be given by the company is in the form of severance pay. More fully, here are freelancer rights in Indonesia that must be fulfilled by the company.

After doing the work that is the responsibility according to the time timeline that has been determined, the company must definitely distribute monthly income that is the right of employees.

Regarding salary which is the main right of each employee to accept it has been regulated in the Law. The amount of employee income can be calculated based on the length of working time or the results obtained by employees.

Social security is one of the main rights that each citizen has, including for casual daily workers. For freelancers who are not bound by companies, the social security that can be obtained is BPU BPJS (Not Wage Recipients).

Unlike permanent employees in a company, BPJS BPU participants are required to report and pay BPJS contributions independently without going through the company.

The rights of freelance daily workers are no less important, namely in terms of certainty related to work and the responsibilities it carries out. This is because the details of work and responsibilities must be carried out based on a briefing, because if they are different, it will affect the results of the work itself.

Ignorance due to miscommunication that takes place adrift of work and responsibility can interfere with the focus of cooperation between companies and freelancers.

In addition, for women, you must also know the 'Hence of Leave to Give Birth to Part Time Employees' in order to get appropriate rights.

So after knowing the rights of casual daily workers, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!