TKN Appreciates Ganjar Invites Supporters Of Prabowo-Gibran In Balikpapan After Shouting "Bokep"

JAKARTA - Deputy Secretary of TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, appreciated the attitude of Presidential Candidate 03 Ganjar Pranowo who invited supporters of Paslon number 2, Prabowo-Gibran to eat together during a visit to Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. According to Salah, Ganjar showed his maturity of democracy.

"I appreciate Ganjar's actions. This is a symbol of maturity in democracy," Saleh told reporters, Wednesday, February 7. Saleh assessed that differences in political views and choices in the 2024 election should not be addressed with anger. All, said Saleh, must be orderly, calm, comfortable, and encouraging. "Actions like this must be taken in all places. Not only in Balikpapan, but also throughout Indonesia," he said. The chairman of the PAN DPP believes that Ganjar's example will be imitated by supporters and the community. That attitude, said Saleh, was applied by TKN Prabowo-Gibran during this campaign period.

"In TKN, we have long invited elections to be held peacefully. Even if there are those who don't like, spread hoaxes, and slander, we are advised to be patient. Don't respond and don't react negatively," he explained. The member of the DPR for the North Sumatra electoral district then invited all parties to guard the democratic party to be peaceful. Especially the candidates who contested the 2024 election.

"It must start from a candidate pair. The candidate pair must convey narratives and speeches in a polite manner. Not insinuating, offending, let alone spreading bad words. This is the key. It's easy to say, but sometimes it's difficult to implement," he said. Previously, the shout "bokep" greeted the convoy of presidential candidates number 3, Ganjar Pranowo when passing during the East Kalimantan (Kaltim) campaign. But instead of being furious, Ganjar actually invited those who criticized him to eat together.

Initially, Ganjar, who was shouted at with a negative tone on the side of the highway, got out of the car he was traveling in. The vice presidential pair Mahfud MD in the 2024 presidential election approached those who denounced him on the side of the highway.

Approached by Ganjar, those who were busy shouting awkward "bokeps" rolled up the banner that had been unfurled.

"Eee should not be rolled up, later scolded who ordered you. Later he will be scolded, you know," said Ganjar.

"We're just calm," he continued.

"Back again," shouted a man from behind Ganjar.

It turned out that those who shouted denouncing Ganjar on the side of the road in Balikpapan City were supporters of Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka. When they were back out, their banner contained photos and words of support for candidate pairs number 2.

"We welcome the supporters, Mr. Prabowo, thank you," said Ganjar, who was then photographed with Prabowo-Gibran supporters with a banner behind display.

"This is a peaceful message that is not angry," continued Ganjar

A moment later Ganjar invited the Prabowo-Gibran supporters to eat with him at the restaurant not far from there. He also guaranteed that no one scolded them even though they mocked Ganjar with the "bokep" idea.

"Let's eat, Mr. Prabowo doesn't get scolded. I swear. If I get scolded, I will defend it," said Ganjar.