DKI Provincial Government Records 2,841 TPS In Jakarta Prone To Floods

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) recorded 2,841 polling stations (TPS) for the 2024 General Election in Jakarta prone to flooding during extreme rainfall conditions.

Head of DKI Jakarta BPBD Isnawa Adji said that the distribution of flood-prone TPS was mapped with the DKI Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU).

"The DKI KPU has mapped 2,841 polling stations out of 30,766 polling stations in flood-prone locations," Isnawa told reporters, Wednesday, February 7.

As a flood disaster mitigation step on voting day on February 14, BPBD is coordinating with the village heads to minimize the impact of flooding at the vulnerable polling stations.

"The BPBD's rapid reaction team and the lurah ensured that the location of the TPS was not directly near the river where floods often occur," said Isnawa.

In addition, BPBD has also prepared disaster management facilities and infrastructure to support the implementation of elections, such as tents, boats, and so on.

Meanwhile, DKI Jakarta KPU member Dody Wijaya said that his party is currently conducting electoral logistics packaging at the district/city level.

All election logistics will be distributed in each polling station no later than the day before the voting day.

"We make sure all logistical needs, be it ballots, forms, covers, then voting tools, everything is available," added Dody.