TPN Ganjar-Mahfud Says There Are 40 Thousand Allegations Of Violations Of The 2024 Election

JAKARTA - The Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN) said there were allegations of violations of the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) in various parts of Indonesia. The number reached 40 thousand violations.

TPN Deputy for Law Ganjar-Mahfud, Todung Mulya Lubis said the number was based on data from the Pemilu application which received reports of alleged violations.

"40 thousand (expected election violations) did not come from us. The 40 thousand came from one electoral organization. Now those who have the application, where we can see the number of violations,"

While targeting TPN internal data, there were around 400 complaints received. Most of the complaints called Todung have been followed up.

"Well, if the violation is from our data. We collect approximately 400 violations. But that's from several sources. Cyber society, from the media, dri Bawaslu and from the hotlines we have ourselves," he said.

However, reports from the electoral system application cannot be ascertained. Because not all of them have clear documentation.

"Violations are massive, quite widespread, and it's hard to know what the exact number is. Those are actually dark numbers, but the indications are correct."

Despite the number of alleged violations, Tudong highlighted the issue of massive and structured election violations. Some of the politicization of Social Assistance (Bansos) and the officials' neutrality.

"The politization of social assistance is very visible to the eye. The neutrality of the apparatus is very invisible. Many videos are circulating today. So what I said was that the dark numbers were really dark numbers. There were so many violations," said Tudong.