Please Report Palm Oil Theft In Central Kalimantan, Kapolda: Even Though The Loss Is Only IDR 2.5 Million

Central Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Djoko Poerwanto asked the public or palm oil companies to immediately report to the Resort Police if they saw looting or theft of palm fruit.

"Although the loss is only Rp. 2.5 million, just report it to the Polres and Polsek. If there are police officers who do not receive it, report it to us," Djoko said while attending the Discussion Forum with the theme 'Prospects of Post-Job Creation Law' which was initiated by the Indonesian Palm Oil Entrepreneurs Association (GAPKI) Central Kalimantan in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, Tuesday, February 6, was confiscated by Antara.

He said, to his staff to be smart in reading the situation, in the event of a violation, the law must be enforced.

"If there is evidence in it, immediately make a police report. The apparatus must be firm in implementing law enforcement," he said.

According to the Kapolda, if there are people who report on various legal issues, officers must immediately explore by looking for evidence, not let the public complain to each other, because the evidence is not strong.

"So if you are harmed, immediately make a police report. I ask all ranks to serve the community, one of which is to receive police reports from the public properly and correctly," he said.

Danrem 102/Pjg Brigadier General Iwan Rosandriyanto emphasized that the TNI is ready to support and appreciate the discussion activities and it is hoped that it will produce solutions to advance the plantation sector in the Central Kalimantan region.

"Apresiasi dan siap mendukung, sebagai bisa memberikan dampak baik bagi pembangunan Kalteng," katanya.

The forum revealed that 2022 foreign exchange receipts from palm oil reached 39 billion US dollars or around Rp600 trillion. This value is the highest figure as long as palm oil companies contribute to the country.

In 2023, palm oil production exports are estimated to reach 33.12 million tons with an export value of 30.7 billion US dollars or around Rp476 trillion.

The national oil palm plantation area reaches 16.38 million hectares, about 41 percent or 6.7 million hectares are managed and owned by farmers, while the remaining 9.68 million are managed by SOEs and PBSN, capable of absorbing very large labor with a total of 16.2 million workers.

Based on data from the Directorate General of Plantation, the area of Central Kalimantan oil palm plantations in 2022 is 1.9 million hectares consisting of 330 thousand hectares of people's plantations and the remaining 1.5 million are managed by the National Private Company, and Central Kalimantan's Palm Oil Plantation is the third largest nationally after Riau and West Kalimantan.