Faisal Basri Alleges Jokowi's Ministers Were Canceled Because They Were 'hostled'

JAKARTA - Senior Economist of the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef) Faisal Basri suspects that several ministers in the Indonesia Maju cabinet, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) have not wanted to resign because there are parties who come.

Previously, Faisal said, a number of ministers in Jokowi's cabinet were ready to resign because they were not in line.

One of those who are said to be ready to resign is the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

"This has nothing to do with Sri Mulyani. But there are several ministers who have dragon (the smell) to resign, they are visited by a team like that," he said when met in Kuningan, South Jakarta, Monday, February 5.

Faisal said that the team that came to him then'sendered' the ministers with legal cases so as not to resign from the Indonesia Forward cabinet volume II.

"A number of ministers with their dragons (the smell) have been pushed back by the team. 'This has been completed, the legal case'. This is Jokowi's evil politics, taking him hostage,' he said.

Even so, Faisal did not mention in detail the names of the ministers who would resign.

Faisal only leaked that a number of ministers were fed up with being in Jokowi's cabinet.

"We work together, there are friends whose job is to appeal to certain friends in the minister. The progress is getting better, they are getting closer," he said.