Theft In Ciomas Bogor Failed, The Perpetrators Of The Battered Beaten By The Masses

A gang of battered thieves was beaten by residents on Jalan Empang, South Bogor District on Saturday, February 3. The Xenia car numbered B 1749 NZX driven by all three thieves in the empty house was beaten by dozens of people. Ciomas Police Chief Kompol Iwan Wahyudin explained that the incident began when the perpetrators were stealing at a house in Villa Ciomas Indah Housing, Ciomas District, Bogor Regency. Iwan explained, at that time the house was empty because it was left by the owner who was exercising. The perpetrators entered by destroying the fence and door of the victim's house. They stole cash, laptop, and jewelry for which a total amounted to Rp50 million,'' Iwan explained in his statement, Monday, February 5. At 12.10 WIB the victim came home found that there was a car in front of his house. Because he felt blocked when he wanted to enter, the victim got out of his car and wanted to reprimand him. The victim was shocked to see the driver of the car actually out of his house. Even though he was convinced that his house was empty and locked. The victim didn't scream. The thief whose action was known then got into the car and fled. They drove his car at high speed with zig-zag direction. Hearing the screams of the neighboring victim and the residents around the housing were spontaneously chasing the car that the perpetrator was driving the perpetrator using a motorbike. On the road there were several vehicles that were hit by the perpetrator's car. Finally they were stuck at the red light stop of the Empang. The three were then judged by residents. The rental cars used by them in the action were destroyed. The perpetrators were then taken to the South Bogor Police and are now taken to the Ciomas Police,' explained Iwan.

As a result of the reckless actions of the perpetrators, a number of vehicles were damaged. One of the affected motorists admitted that Iwan had made a police report because he felt aggrieved by the perpetrators. The victim of the theft has also made a report to the Ciomas Police. "For the driver who was injured or the vehicle was damaged when he was hit by the perpetrator, he could make a report to the Ciomas Police," said Iwan. The results of the interim interrogation, Iwan said the perpetrators came from Central Java Province, two perpetrators came from Semarang, one perpetrator from Boyolali.