Jokowi Asks Projo To Withdraw Butet Hate Speech Report

JAKARTA - The General Chairperson of the DPP Projo Budi Arie asked the volunteers supporting the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to withdraw the report against Butet Kertaradjasa cultural observers to the police. Budi Arie emphasized that President Joko Widodo specifically asked Projo to withdraw Butet's report at the Yogyakarta Special Region Police. "Don't make it crowded in public, I'm the target of Pak Butet's talk to the police, really. Moreover, Pak Butet is his own friend," Budi Arie repeated President Jokowi's explanation, Monday, February 5. Previously, Butet Kartaredjasa was reported to the Yogyakarta Regional Police on suspicion of insulting President Jokowi in accordance with Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning the Criminal Code as referred to in Article 315.

Reporting is contained in the Police Report Number: LP/B/114/1/2024/SPKT Polda DIY dated January 30, 2024. The report file was signed by Kasiaga II SPKT Polda DIY Kompol Sugiarta. Reports to Butet by a number of volunteer organizations supporting Jokowi such as PROJO DIY, Sedulur Jokowi, and Jokowi's Lower Flow Volunteers. The report was accompanied by the Prabowo-Gibran TKD Team.