Here's Chelsea Islan's Impression Of His Role In The End Episode Of THE TIRA Film

JAKARTA - A presentation of acting full of challenges and courage to celebrate the ending of the epic story of TIRA in the live action superhero series played by Chelsea Islan with various action scenes.

"For the eighth episode, it's really fun, right, because you could say it's really challenging because the scene is full action. It's really almost three months of practice," Chelsea said while watching the last episode of TIRA at the Senayan City Mall Cinema, Jakarta as reported by Antara, Saturday.

Chelsea also revealed that they had been doing training for a whole week on set.

As Chelsea's first experience in the world of action series, the results actually exceeded expectations, coupled with emotional reactions and shocks from all players.

Despite the challenges, the process went smoothly without a single injury incident, thanks to thorough training and team persistence. Security has always been a top priority, until it is monitored by behind-the-scenes professionals.

"We've all warmed up and it's a safety first here, right. So, everything really does practice after that, everything is on guard, like the fight choreographer, the stunt coordinator, and indeed when at that location there was nothing dangerous," said Chelsea.

Not only talking about action, Chelsea also shared an impression on the ending of the story which he described as something extraordinary.

A warm welcome from fans made him and the rest of the team hope for TIRA's second draw.

The experience of all episodes from start to finish is a success that Chelsea has finally enjoyed.

In an atmosphere full of emotion and happiness, the main character of TIRA expressed his next desire to try a new genre in the future, namely thriller and romantic comedy.