KPUPR Opens Voice About Damage To The Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources Impact Of The BSI Tower Project

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will coordinate with the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) due to the damage to the ESDM building due to the construction of the Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) building.

Related to this, Spokesperson for the Ministry of PUPR Endra S. Atmawidjaja said that his party would follow up. This is because the state building is the responsibility of the Ministry of PUPR.

"For the structure, safety and reliability of state buildings, right, there is a building safety committee. That is what comes down to assess the reliability of the building. So, regarding safety priorities there, the responsibility lies with the PUPR ministry," said Endra. met at the PUPR Ministry office, Jakarta, Friday, February 2.

Endra assessed that the Building Safety Committee or KKBG from the Ministry of PUPR would check the damage.

"That, right, the expert will provide an assessment of the feasibility or reliability of the building. As a result, there must be a recommendation whether there needs to be a strengthening or minor rehabilitation or even a major, we must inject all kinds of things," he said.

If an overall check has been carried out, the KKBG will immediately report to the Directorate General of Human Settlements for future improvements.

"Later, the Director General of Human Settlements (Diana Kusumastuti) will report it to the Minister (Basuki Hadimuljono) based on the committee," he added.

As previously reported, the construction of the BSI Tower made the soil surface drop so that cracks appeared at several points. One of them, at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Building.

As a result, ESDM Minister Arifin Tasrif was forced to move to his temporary office until April 2024.

"Move, that's it, we'll just enjoy it," said Arifin.

It is known that Arifin currently has an office in the Chairul Saleh Building which is still in the area of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

For this incident, PT Pembangunan Perumahan Tbk alias PP as the project contractor temporarily suspended the construction of BSI Tower since Tuesday, January 30. They will evaluate and ask for assistance from the Ministry of PUPR for further mitigation.