Dry Eczema In Hand: Cause And How To Overcome It

YOGYAKARTA Dry eczema in the hands is one of the most annoying skin problems. How not, this disease can cause an unbearable itching and is difficult not to scratch. In fact, the itching and redness rash caused by dry eczema should not be scratched, because it can make it even worse.

So, what should be done to overcome the eczema in hand? Before answering this question, you first need to know the cause of dry eczema appearing in your hands. This is very important to know so that you can avoid the skin disease.

In general, there are several things that can trigger the emergence of dry eczema in your hands, including:

Please note, factors that can trigger the emergence of eczema in each hand can vary depending on each person. To find out what are the trigger factors for the appearance of dry eczema in your hands, it is necessary to have an examination by a dermatologist.

Quoted from AI-Care, Saturday, February 3, 2024, there are several things you can do to overcome dry eczema in your hands, in the event:

1. Use a cold compress

It has been mentioned above that dry eczema that appear in the hands can give rise to an unbearable itching. To relieve the itching, you can give a cold compress on the area where the eczema is infected.

Related to this, you can take advantage of a towel that has previously been soaked in ice water, then attach it to an itching part. Avoid attaching ice cubes directly to the skin, because it can surprise your nerves.

2. Massage acupressure

A study conducted at Northwestern University states that the acupressure technique, which massages certain points on the arm, can help overcome the itching that is in the body.

To find this point, bend your left arm and place your right hand outside the curve of your elbow. Feel the upper part of the lower arm muscle, then a strong puzzle with your fingertip for 3 minutes. In this way, it is hoped that the itching caused by dry eczema will decrease.

3. Outdo the moisturizer

How to deal with dry eczema in the next hand is by applying moisturizer to the eczema area.

The recommended moisturizer is moisturizers that contain petroleum jelly that can hydrate and maintain skin moisture.

Avoid using moisturizers that contain alcohol, perfume and dyes because they can irritate the skin.

4. Soak with warm water mixed with salt.

If eczema appears in an area that is easy to soak, such as fingers or arms, you can soak itching parts with warm water that has been mixed with salt.

Warm water mixed with salt can help rejuvenate and moisturize the skin. Soak the area of the hand that is exposed to eczema for 15 minutes, then dry with a towel. After that, apply moisturizer so that the skin does not dry.

5. Apply the corticosteroid bailout

Corticosteroid Salep can control itching and help repair the skin. You can apply it according to the instructions, but the bias is that the controls are applied after bathing or after using moisturizer.

Even so, avoid using corticosteroid warrants too often because they can thin the skin.

That's information about the causes and ways to deal with dry eczema in hand. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.