Launching The #Manfaat Great Movement, Zakat House Targets 24 Beneficiaries Of Economic Programs Out Of Poverty In 2024

JAKARTA - Rumah Zakat launched the #Manfaat Amazing movement in 2024 which aims to create good impact, happiness, and reach wide. This year Rumah Zakat has a target to make 1.8 million program beneficiaries happy in the fields of economic, education, health, disaster and humanity. A total of 24 percent of beneficiaries in the economic sector are targeted to get out of the poverty line.

"As a zakat and humanitarian institution, Rumah Zakat is committed to becoming the fastest and foremost government partner in efforts to empower the community and disaster management. God willing, in 2024, Rumah Zakat will continue to strive to invite the people of Indonesia to continue to share with others, both in Indonesia and Gaza Palestine," said the CEO of Rumah Zakat, Irvan Nugraha, in Jakarta, Thursday, February 1.

In 2023, as many as 1.6 million beneficiaries were helped from various empowerment programs that were integrated using the Empowered Village approach. A total of 1,737 Empowered Villages are present in 34 provinces in Indonesia.

"Alhamdulillah, Zakat House has won the trust of donors and partners to manage Rp366.4 billion with very effective performance where the distribution rate is 94.4 percent," said Irvan.

In 2023, the empowerment and humanitarian program carried out by Rumah Zakat has contributed to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), because it is in line with 13 goals and 46 indicators of SDGs. This can be realized thanks to the trust of 795,000 donors of Zakat Houses, both individuals, communities, and corporates.

"Alhamdulillah, in 2023, as many as 20% of the beneficiaries of the Zakat House economic program will come out of the poverty line. This year we are raising the target to 24%. This of course requires collaboration from various parties so that more mustahik will be. Bertraformation into muzaki," said Irvan.

In 2023, Rumah Zakat will also be active in humanitarian and disaster actions at 198 points in 21 provinces and 9 countries. Together with the Indonesian government and various humanitarian organizations, Rumah Zakat distributed aid to Gaza, which is a deposit of 70,000 donors and 226 community and corporate partners.

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in collaboration with Rumah Zakat pays special attention to the elderly (elderly) by building a pesantren for the elderly in Sweden.

Chief Program Officer of Zakat House Muhammad Sobirin, conveyed the construction of this elderly pesantren to glorify the elderly and provide useful activities so that they are more productive and get to know their creators better.

"This student in the future is a place for the elderly to get holistic-integrative guidance according to the basic needs of the elderly to get to know their Rabb better, have good quality of life, istiqamah and be productive in performing charity towards husnul khotimah," said Muhammad Sobirin.