How To Make A Complete Roti Sup With The Recipe, Suitable For Selling Or Self-consuming

YOGYAKARTA How to make bread soup is actually easy and can be done alone at home as long as the ingredients have been prepared. The ingredients that need to be prepared to make one type of culinary are not too difficult to obtain.

This article will discuss recipes and how to mix bread soup either for self or for sale to consumers.

Please note that bread soup is a suitable dish to enjoy in cold weather. Bakery soup is one of the recommendations for a good type of soup for the body. In Indonesia, bread soup recipes are not very popular. But you can try it to be served to the family.

The first step that must be taken is to prepare the materials needed. These materials are as follows.

After the ingredients are ready follow the steps to make the following acorda bread soup (Portugal).

In addition to the recipe above, you can try another bread soup recipe called wodzionka (Poland). This soup is leaning towards ferries because there are beef fat ingredients. The following are ingredients and recipes for bread soup from Poland.

After the ingredients are ready follow the steps to make the following bread soup.

Those are some ways to make bread soup. Visit VOI.ID to get more interesting information.