Ws Kapendam Cenderawasih: Not Only Spreading Hoaxes, KKB Makes Sugapa Tameng Residents
PAPUA - Deputy Temporary of Kapendam XVII/Cenderawasih Lt. Col. Inf Chandra Kurniawan said KKB Intan Jaya made residents in Sugapa a shield when carrying out attacks and shootings."In addition to making the community a shield, KKB Intan Jaya also spread false news or hoaxes. It is true that the KKB spread hoax news and made the community a shield when carrying out shooting actions both to members of the TNI-Polri but also civilians," said WS Kapendam XVII/Cenderawasih Lt. Col. Inf Chandra Kurniawan in Jayapura, Wednesday.Previously, the KKB spread hoax news related to the shooting of TNI soldiers whose bodies were rotting in Titigi. In fact, what actually happened was that a soldier was hit by a recoil set or reflection of a bullet when the KKB opened fire on the fence of the Intan Jaya Regent's office in Sugapa.The soldier's condition has improved and will be on duty again. In addition, the KKB also always raises the issue of the construction of the Statue of Jesus which has actually been discussed and resolved by Forkopimda elements and figures.Ws Kapendam XVII/Cenderawasih added that during the shooting on Monday, KKB mingled with the community, then carried out a shooting that hit the Intan Jaya Regent's office fence and hit 330/TD Yonif Task Force soldiers who were securing the coordination meeting.In addition to shooting at the security forces, KKB also set fire to residents' houses in Sugapa District.
"TNI-Polri officers are very careful in acting in order to avoid casualties from the community," said Chandra Kurniawan.