There Is Just The Trick Of Drug Smuggling Perpetrators: Wrapped In Cigarettes, Tied In Stones And Thrown Into The Poso Detention Center

SOLO - Class IIB Poso State Detention Center (Rutan) officers in Central Sulawesi (Sulteng) managed to thwart the smuggling of drug packages in the form of methamphetamine into the detention center, Sunday, January 28.Head of the Poso Rutan Agung Sulistyo said the smuggling was discovered when officers on guard at the isolation block heard the sound of objects falling by hitting the roof of the roof of an isolation room 1."The items were thrown from outside the wall from the direction of the residents' houses, right next to the office area there was a pack of cigarettes. Then the prison officers suspected and after being examined there was a stone as a weighter and a package of suspected methamphetamine,” he said.The mode of smuggling of prohibited goods was carried out by throwing it from outside the prison walls using a cigarette wrapper containing three stones and a package of methamphetamine wrapped in tissue.After the attempt to thwart the smuggling, his party immediately increased security and coordinated with the Poso Resort Police (Polres Poso) to conduct further investigations."The goods were obtained at 14.55 WITA. We immediately took steps to increase security and comb the entire detention center area and coordinate with the Poso Police for further investigation," said Agung.The Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Central Sulawesi Hermansyah Siregar stated that the Correctional ranks had thwarted the smuggling of narcotics three times in the period January 2024."One of them was put in a shampoo bottle that occurred in the Ampana Prison and the other two were slapped from outside the walls of the Poso Detention Center," he said.For this reason, he appreciates the good performance carried out by the ranks of the Correctional Unit in eradicating drug trafficking in prisons and detention centers.Meanwhile, Head of the Correctional Division of the Central Sulawesi Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office Ricky Dwi Biantoro said the thwarting attempt at the Poso Detention Center and Ampana Prison was one of the prison and detention center's commitments to prevent drug trafficking."In addition, the officers' alertness is in the form of checking and detecting goods entering prisons and detention centers, as well as control of security and commitment of correctional officers in eradicating drugs," he said.
He said that his party continues to be committed to implementing 3 + 1 key for Advanced Correctional, namely early detection, synergy with law enforcement officers and eradicating drugs and going to basic.