Lumbangan Di Dubur Tapi Bukan Wasir, Apa Penyebabnya?
YOGYAKARTA The appearance of lumps on the rectum but not hemorrhoids sometimes makes the sufferer feel worried about suffering from certain diseases. Actually, there are many causes of lumps in the rectum apart from hemorrhoids. However, these lumps both trigger feelings of discomfort and even pain.
This article will try to explain the causes of lumps in the rectum apart from hemorrhoids.
Anusr is a hole at the bottom of the digestive tract. Anus is composed of the skin, internal intestinal tissue, mucus glands, lymph nodes, and blood vessels. On the rectum there is also a fairly sensitive nerve tip.
The rectum can experience infection, irritation, blockage, until a lump appears. Usually the lump in the anus will feel pain. When that happens you have to know the cause of the bump other than hemorrhoids.
The cause of the lump in the anus is an anus wartil. This condition can occur because of an infection with human papillomavirus (HPV). The characteristics of lumps caused by HPV usually do not hurt. A person who experiences this usually has no complaints so sometimes he is not aware that he has a HPV gap.
The size of the lump in the anus due to HPV is small to large. Small size does not trigger pain, while if it is large, it will feel itchy and even bleeding or mucus.
Acne not only occurs in the face and back area but can also be around the anus. Acne in the anus is caused by clogging of pores. When acne appears in the anus, don't break it because it will trigger pain.
Convoluted is a condition where it is difficult for people to defecate (BAB). This happens because the feces or glass harden as well as dry. When forced to defecate, the sufferer has the potential to experience swelling in the anus hole. This swelling is sometimes considered a lump. To avoid this condition, diligently eat fruits and vegetables and fulfill the body's fluid needs.
Perianal Hematoma is a condition characterized by the appearance of a small lump in the anus area. This lump is purplish near black outside the anus. Perianal hematoma occurs because blood vessels burst. The cause of the rupture varies could be because it strains too hard when defecating or because it lifts the load too heavy in a wrong position.
The lumps caused by the periodic hematoma can be the size of a baseball. The sensation felt pain and swelling.
The anus abscess condition feels quite painful. This health disorder occurs because of a collection of boils filled with pus. The anus abscess itself is triggered by various things ranging from ordinary infections, sexually transmitted infections, to blockages in the anus's glands.
The characteristic of anus abscess is the appearance of a red bump. When the bump is touched, it will feel warm.
Apart from the anus, the public is advised to recognize the lumps in the neck that are not dangerous.
That's information related to lumps in the rectum but not hemorrhoids. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.