Waste Disposal Is A Problem With The Provision Of Clean Drinking Water For The Republic Of Indonesia Has Not Been Administrative

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) said that currently the provision of clean drinking water in Indonesia is not adequate.

Director General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of PUPR Diana Kusumastuti said that efforts to provide drinking water are closely related to the sanitation sector, especially in waste and wastewater management.

"Currently, the condition of domestic waste water and waste services in residential areas is still inadequate," Diana said as quoted from the official Instagram account @kemenpupr, Monday, January 29.

Diana said that one of the reasons was that there was still direct disposal of waste into the environment (Direct Discharge) which had an impact on river pollution. "This has an impact on river pollution due to 75 percent of domestic wastewater in Indonesia," he said.

He added that there are a number of drinking water supply policies that need to be carried out, such as increasing service coverage and meeting drinking water quality standards, increasing SPAM capacity and implementation as well as increasing funding capacity and commitment of stakeholders related to funding.

"In the development of drinking water and sanitation infrastructure, cooperation and collaboration between the central and regional governments are also needed," said Diana.

For SPAM management institutions themselves, currently there are 410 Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) for Drinking Water and 85 Department Technical Implementation Units (UPTD). Meanwhile, in 26 districts/cities there are still no management institutions.

"For community-level institutions, there are 37,482 community groups spread across 415 regencies/cities," he added.