Owner Of Beauty Salon In Krian Sidoarjo Found Dead

SIDOARJO - A beauty salon owner in Krian, Sidoarjo, East Java was found dead, Sunday, January 28.

This incident immediately caused a commotion among residents, because before being found dead, the victim was found to be still active in his beauty salon. The victim is known as Sugyiarto, 45 years old, a resident of Glandangsari, Boyolali, Central Java.

Information at the location stated that on Saturday night, the victim's salon was not usually open 24 hours. However, since last Saturday night, the victim's salon, which is located on Jalan Raya Ngingas Krian, Sidoarjo, has been open until Sunday morning.

Local residents who saw it, checked the salon and checked the condition in the salon and the victim was found dead in the back room of the salon.

Kapolsek Krian, Kompol Daky Dzul said, after receiving reports from residents, Krian Police officers and the Sidoarjo Police Inafis team immediately went to the location. After examining and processing the incident, there were no signs of violence on the victim's body.

"When the inspection was carried out at the location, the victim was found dead and there were traces of vomit beside the victim and the condition was stiff, and there was dirt in the victim's pants," said Daky.

Daky said, from the information obtained from the family, the victim did have a history of illness. Even a few days ago, the victim had been outpatient from a local health facility.

"The victim has a history of pain, gout and stomach," explained Daky.

Meanwhile, to find out the exact cause of the victim's death, the police had to do an autopsy. However, the victim's family refused to do so. The victim's body was immediately evacuated and taken to the victim's house in Boyolali, Central Java.