4 Days KKB Shoots TNI Post In Sugapa, Papua Police Chief: Pmeulihan Efforts Still Ongoing

PAPUA - Papua Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Mathius Fakhiri admitted that the TNI and Polri are still recovering from the security situation in Sugapa, the capital city of Intan Jaya Regency, Central Papua from KKB disturbances.

"It is true that currently recovery efforts are still being carried out and security conditions are gradually returning to conducive," said Inspector General of Police Mathius Fakhiri in Jayapura, Sunday, January 28, which was confiscated by Antara.

He admitted that currently flight services, especially carrying civilian passengers, are still limited to anticipate unwanted things.

"I have also conveyed the final situation to Pertamina's leadership during a visit to the Papuan Police," he said.

The attack carried out by the KKB by shooting at the TNI-Polri post from January 19-25, the action still happened, although not in the first four days.

As a result of the attack carried out by the KKB, a Brimob member was killed, namely Bripda Alfando Steven Karamoy.

Fakhiri said, besides that KKB set fire to residents' houses.

Director of Operations of the Papua Regional Development Bank (BPD) Isak Samuel Wopari separately admitted that the action that occurred in Sugapa caused staff at the auxiliary branch office to be evacuated through Timika.

"Currently they are still in Nabire and joined the Papua BPD Branch Office, and it is not certain when they will return to duty in Sugapa because they are still waiting for security guarantees," he said.