South Kuta Bali Rocked By Earthquake, This Is BMKG's Explanation

JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said that the 5.6 magnitude earthquake in the southern Indian Ocean of Bali had no potential for a tsunami.

"The modeling results show that this earthquake has no potential for a tsunami," said Head of the BMKG Earthquake and Tsunami Center, Daryono, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, January 27.

He explained that the results of the BMKG analysis showed that this earthquake had updated parameters with a magnitude of 5.5 located at coordinates 11.56 south latitude and 113.36 east longitude, or precisely located in the sea at a distance of 370 km southwest of South Kuta, Bali at a depth of 10 km.

"By paying attention to the location of the epicenter and the depth of the hypocenter, the earthquake that occurred was a shallow type of earthquake due to rock deformation activity outside the subduction zone (outerrise zone)," he said.

The results of the analysis of the source mechanism show that the earthquake has a downward movement mechanism (normal fault).

He said the earthquake that occurred at 16.33.17 WIB was felt in the Kuta, Mataram and West Lombok areas with an intensity scale of III MMI (modified mercy intensity).

Gempa juga dirasakan di daerah Denpasar dan Gianyar dengan scale intensitas II MMI (Getaran dirasakan oleh beberapa orang).

Daryono said that until 16.50 WIB, BMKG monitoring results had not shown any aftershock activity.

BMKG appealed to the public to remain calm and not be influenced by issues that cannot be justified.