Airlangga: Free Lunch Program Helps Housewives

The General Chairperson of the Golkar Party DPP, Airlangga Hartarto, said that the Free Lunch program promoted by the Prabowo-Gibran pair could help housewives.

"If Prabowo-Gibran wins, he will be given free meals for students at the elementary to high school levels," said Airlangga at the Golkar Party's People's Gathering event in Medan as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, January 27.

Airlangga said that this free lunch can also help the homewives' finances in minimizing the purchase of basic necessities for children.

"There is also a pesantren program, so the eternal funds held by the government to finance Islamic boarding schools amounting to Rp15 trillion. So, if Prabowo-Gibran wins, it can be increased by Rp50 trillion," he said.

Presidential Candidate Prabowo Subianto previously stated that the free lunch program would improve the nutrition of Indonesian children.

"One of our proofs is that we are determined to start eliminating poverty, namely a nutritious lunch program for Indonesian children," Prabowo said while attending the consolidation of political parties throughout North Sumatra in Medan on the 47th day of the campaign.

In addition to providing nutritious food for children, Prabowo said, this program is also given to children who are still pregnant or pregnant women.

"The goal is for our children to grow up smart, strong, eliminate stunting and others," he said.

Prabowo explained that the Free Lunch program is one of his plans and determinations to the community to improve nutrition.

"This is our determination, this is our plan, and this is our strategy. For that, to volunteers, the regional campaign team (TKD), the Advanced Indonesia Coalition, convey it to the wider people," he said.