Evello : Presidential Statements May Participate In Campaigns To Become A Polemic And Negative Sentiment

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is blundering and is busy being a byword and the talk of netizens. This cannot be separated from his statement that the President has the right to democracy and politics to participate in campaigns as long as he does not use state facilities.

Dudy Rudianto, Founder of Everllo Big Data Analytics, said that this polemic began to creep up to the public's attention through a number of social media platforms. On Tiktok, this issue has been watched 18,459,942 times airing until Saturday, January 27, 2024.

The number of conversations on Tiktok reached 124,120 comments with public interactions via tiktok reaching 701,438 times. Even the distribution of videos about this polemic has spread 23,054 to the private whatsapp network which comes from tiktok, explained Dudy.

Apart from Tiktok, Instagram residents are also busy welcoming this polemic. According to Dudy, the number of conversations on Instagram reached 170,565 comments with 797,718 Likes interactions. Even information about the polemic of the President may participate in campaigns has been watched by residents of Instagram as many as 7,127,000 times aired, explained Dudy.

Everllo data also shows the same trend on Youtube and Twitter. On the YouTube platform, 11,550,740 Youtube residents have watched this issue and spread 8,248,708 times on Twitter. The number of comments on Youtube even reached 123,196 conversations, slightly adrift when compared to conversations on Tiktok, said Dudy.

Public sentiment Data evello also shows public sentiment tends to be negative towards this issue. The negative sentiment towards this issue reached 76.65%. The high negative sentiment shows that the public does not want the right to be taken by President Joko Widodo, although the regulations allow "dudi explained in response to the weight of sentiment found by Evello.

Evello also showed that there were three emotions that dominated this polemic. Fear emotions aka anxiety dominated 87% and Was Surprised by 56% and 34% of Happy emotions

The three dominant emotions reflect how public emotions towards the President's issue can campaign, said Dudy. This promotion is also a reminder for the president that these rights should not be taken.

Public Psychography In addition to sentiment and emotion, evello also sees how the public tends to the issue. For those who process the discourse of the president to be face-to-face, the personal characteristics that are formed tend to be emotional. Bobot personality habits are read out 97% in response to the President's statement," said Dudy.

Meanwhile, those who support the President can campaign tend to be rational. Evello detected that the rational trend of President Jokowi's supporters reaching 89% was marked by participating in conveying the contents of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections.

In addition to the data above, Dudy also mentioned that Jokowi is an accomplished politician. "It could suddenly turn around and not take his right to participate in the campaign and at the same time reverse public sentiment from being negative to being positive," he said.

Most (79 percent or 55 percent of events) had a magnitude of between three and 4.9, while 20 percent had a magnitude of less than three and one percent had a magnitude of more than or equal to five.