VIDEO: Mahfud MD Reported To Bawaslu, Considered Insulting Gibran

Mahfud MD seemed not to stop shocking the news world through his words at the Collision Prof.! This time Mahfud made a public scene with his statement that did not care about the parties who reported it for the alleged insult case he had committed to Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

Election Supervisory Advocate or Awaslu reported the Vice Presidential Candidate number 3 to Bawaslu for the alleged case of insulting the Vice Presidential Candidate number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka. The chairman of Wastalu, Mualimin, said that Mahfud had violated Article 280 Paragraph 1 letter c in conjunction with Article 521 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections, and Article 72 Paragraph 1 letter (c) of the General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) Number 20 of 2023 concerning Election Campaigns.

Mahfud was reported for being considered to have attacked and insulted Gibran at the Fourth Debate of the Vice President by using words such as: crazy, inconsequential, smallx, and even useless questions. And from these allegations, Mahfud will receive a 2-year criminal threat and a fine of Rp. 24 million. The General Elections Supervisory Agency confirmed that there was an incoming report on January 25 for alleged violation of the Vice Presidential Candidate number 3,

Mahfud MD. However, the report will still be studied for the next 2 days by checking the completeness of all the evidence of the report and the requirements. After being reviewed, the report will be registered, then Bawaslu will decide whether the report is included in administrative or criminal violations.

However, at the Collis Prof! which was held in Bandar Lampung City on January 25, Mahfud MD admitted that he did not care if he was reported to Bawaslu. He doesn't know what the contents of the report are, he doesn't even want to know about it at all. Watch the video below.