Rumah BUMN Rembang Mencatatkan Transaksi Penjualan Produk UMKM Rp3 Miliar

REMBANG - BUMN House Rembang Regency, Central Java, together with PT Semen Indonesia (Perseroan) Tbk (SIG) recorded the value of product sales transactions from micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Rembang Regency which had been partners for three years reaching Rp3 billion. RB Rembang Yeni Indah Lestari was quoted from ANTARA, Wednesday, January 24.

Meanwhile, the number of MSME actors who are partners with RB Rembang, he said, was 371 MSMEs.

MSMEs in Rembang Regency are partners, including those that produce food, batik, beverage, fashion, and craft products.

From a number of products marketed, the largest transaction value is contributed from food products with a transaction value of IDR 1.97 billion or 65.33 percent.

The second largest, donated from batik products with a transaction value of IDR 364.6 million or 12.11 percent, drinks of IDR 327.61 million or 10.88 percent, fashion of IDR 215.39 million or 7.15 percent.

"For new aircraft products, it contributes a transaction value of IDR 136.1 million with a percentage of 4.52 percent," he said.

The RB Rembang program, which has been running since 2020, includes training on successful sales strategies on social media", facilitating MSME players to participate in exhibitions abroad to exhibitions at the ASEAN Summit.

"We also hold public speaking training, skills for young people who are just starting a business, as well as entrepreneurship seminars. In fact, every year we can hold up to 48 different types of training," he said.

The development of assisted MSME actors also has a positive impact on employment.

Because for three years RB was established to accompany MSME actors with a total absorption of 1,527 workers. The existence of the Rembang BUMN House, which is located on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Rembang, can also be used by MSME actors in Rembang Regency for meeting activities, including utilizing all available facilities and equipment, to using the internet network for free.