Dozens Of Political Party Flags Collapsed In Magelang Tim Bukan Korban, Bawaslu: We Are Very Sorry

JAKARTA - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Magelang Regency regrets that the incident of dozens of political party flags (parpol) collapsed against the victim.

The head of the Magelang Regency Bawaslu M. Habib Shaleh said that dozens of political party flags and campaign props (APK) collapsed from the Artos Mall intersection on Jalan Mayjen Bambang Soegang to the Palbapang T-junction, Mungkid.

The political party flags were mostly installed on trees on the median road while the APK was installed on the side of the Magelang-Yogyakarta road. This damage was caused by heavy rain and strong winds. As a result, a road user fell because he was hit by the party flagpole.

This incident went viral on social media after being uploaded to the @magelang_raya account and reaping a lot of likes and comments.

For this incident, he said, the Magelang Regency Bawaslu regretted the victim's fall because of the party's flag pole which collapsed due to natural factors.

"We deeply regret the fall of the victim. We immediately coordinated with the party leadership whose video was on social media. The person concerned sympathizes and is ready to be responsible if it is the flagpole that caused the accident. Bawaslu is ready to help mediate the victims and leaders of the party," he said.

In order for similar incidents not to happen again, the Magelang Regency Bawaslu appealed to the leadership of political parties, the campaign team and the team to succeed in immediately improving the installation or moving to a safer place. Flag poles and APK must be strongly installed so as not to collapse if there is strong winds and heavy rain.

"According to PKPU's provision number 3 of 2022, now is the campaign period, this is a moment for political parties and campaign teams to campaign. Campaigns are essentially conducting political education to the public and achieving public sympathy, so please campaign sympathetic and educationally," he said.