What Is Green Jobs And Examples: Work Solutions To The Climate Crisis

YOGYAKARTA - The term green jobs is often mentioned in recent times when talking about the work and environmental industry. Recently, the term green jobs was conveyed by Gibran Rakabuming in the Cawapres debate event. However, there are still many people who do not know what green jobs are and their examples are.

Green jobs are a sexy issue related to sustainable development and environmental conservation. Vice Presidential Candidate number 2 Gibran Rakabuming assesses that green jobs can be an opportunity for Indonesia in the future. Regarding green jobs, it is also included in the vision, mission, and work program that will be carried out by the Prabowo-Gibran pair if they later lead Indonesia.

These 'Green jobs' are job opportunities in the field of environmental sustainability. These Green jobs are a trend of today and the future job opportunities," said Gibran when conveying his vision, mission, and work programs.

According to Gibran, green jobs are opportunities for the younger generation and women related to the very abundant management of natural resources (SDA) in Indonesia. So what are green jobs and what are the examples of their work like?

Green jobs are a type of work that supports environmental conservation or has environmentally friendly values. Green jobs aim to preserve the environment and maintain sustainability in industrial activities and the economic sector. Green jobs are a symbol of the economy and society is sustainable.

The term green jobs was introduced by the International Labor Organization (ILO) related to the sustainable development agenda and low emissions. The mission is intensified considering the declining quality of the environment and natural resources affecting climate change.

The problem of climate change has been felt by a number of developing countries. This problem will have a bad impact on the economy of a country, such as farmers who are losing money due to crop failure. To overcome this problem, green jobs are constantly encouraged to be realized.

Green jobs offer jobs that can help preserve the environment or protect ecosystems and biodiversity. Green jobs include the implementation of industrial activities to reduce energy, material, and water consumption with a high level of efficiency.

The International Labor Organization states that green jobs are a movement of the economy and society so that they can continue to preserve the environment. This agenda or green jobs program is beneficial for the current generation and future generations.

There are five goals for the green jobs agenda that have been set by ILO. These five goals, namely:

After understanding what green jobs are and their goals, it is then important to know examples of green jobs. Here are some examples of work or industrial activities that include green jobs:

One of the industrial activities that includes green jobs is startup waste management. This startup will be related to management work to process or recycle waste.

urban farmers are also green jobs because they practice environmentally friendly land processing activities. Urban farmers carry out cultivation, processing, and food distribution activities by involving plantation livestock, horticulture, and water cultivation.

Other jobs that also include green jobs are sustainable fashion designers. This fashion designer designs and produces clothing by installing environmentally friendly and sustainable values for long-term life.

The solar energy system technician is also an environmentally friendly job because the solar panel system will be a more efficient independent power plant. Because conventional electricity use is still using fossil fuels and their needs are increasing.

The renewable energy startup carries out business activities by utilizing technology to solve inefficient problems. With the use of this technology, bill fees can drop and the range is wider.

Work that includes other green jobs is an environmentally friendly architect. This architect created architectural and building concepts that prioritize environmentally friendly values or green architecture.

Demikianlah review tentang apa itu green jobs dan contoh-lainnya yang perlu tahu. Green jobs adalah jenis pekerjaan atau aktivitas industri yang membawa nilai-nilai pengendahan lingkungan untuk kehidupan berkelanjutan. Baca juga apa itu greenflation atau yang disebut inflasi hijau.

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