'War' Teased About Abu Janda, Denny Siregar Suggestes Tengku Zulkarnaen Play Chicken To Get Chicken Wings
JAKARTA - A tweet war broke out between social media activist Denny Siregar and Tengku Zulkarnaen on the Twitter application, Tuesday, February 23. The beginning of the enemy started from the case of Permadi Arya alias Abu Janda about 'Islam, the arrogant religion' which has not shown any progress until now.
Through his Twitter account, Tengku Zul, Tengku Zulkarnaen's nickname, mentioned Denny Siregar and academic Ade Armando who was silent in this case.
According to Tengku Zul, there were differences in the attitude of the National Police in handling the Abu Janda case with Rizieq Shihab to almahrum Maaher.
"Where do truth bullies hide? No one has a voice over the difference in legal behavior in this widow Abu. Denny Siregar, Ade Armando and friends, where are you?" explained Tengku Zul on his twitter account, @ustadtengkuzul, quoted on Tuesday, February 23.
For Tengku Zul's 'attack', Denny Siregar then replied casually while slipping a humorous tweet in it. He said, Tengku Zul had also previously reported a ballot box hoax problem.
"Do you remember? Did you go to prison? Then did I say you were immune to the law? Just play the single organ @ustadtengkuzul, pull it out," replied Denny, @ Dennysiregar7
Tengku Zul denied Denny's tweet. He stated that the ballot case case was only a question not a form of complaint. It can't be a question under the realm of law.
Ballot papers? There I just asked. When did I report it? Dream to be reported? Forecasters were reported? Elu et al. You eat mostly micin kalee, Den Den ... Then the chicken piara is reported ... HeheHayya Lusak lha ...
- tengkuzulkarnain (@ustadtengkuzul) February 23, 2021
"Dreams are reported? Fortune tellers are reported? You and your friends mostly eat micin times," said Zul.
Denny Siregar then replied. "Alright, it's better to just play, it's a pandemic. Lonely work, no invitations, reduced envelopes. I know that often playing chicken has a new title besides ustaz, namely 'chicken wings. Cool title," tweeted Denny.
Already, it's better to just play chicken @ustadtengkuzul ... It's a pandemic, lonely jobs, mace invitations, reduced envelopes. Who knows if you often play chicken has a new title besides ustad, namely 'chicken wings' ... Isn't that cool? 😄😄 https : //t.co/iI9WhaFDfu
- Denny siregar (@ Dennysiregar7) February 23, 2021
Tengku Zul still replied to Denny's tweet. He said, da'wah work was not affected by the pandemic. After all, he has a trading ability passed down from his mother.
"You don't need to be buzzers, let alone hope for money from the nganu," Zul said sarcastically.