University Alumni Supports Prabowo-Gibran, TKN: If Seniors Have Dropped, Everything Will Be Cleaned

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN), Grace Natalie, received support from Alumni Volunteers and Academics from a number of universities for Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka in the 2024 presidential election at Prabowo's residence, Jalan Kertanegara, Jakarta.

Grace believes that if the seniors of state universities have stated their political stance on choosing Prabowo-Gibran, then the 2024 presidential election victory will already be in hand. Moreover, the alumni are determined to oversee the commitment to reform back to the right path with Prabowo-Gibran.

Therefore, Grace hopes that these alumni can become Prabowo-Gibran ambassadors who are tasked with inviting those closest to their alma maters to choose candidate pair number 2.

"Not only declarations, but we hope that everything will move to convince the public to become ambassadors in their respective alumni so that we can wrap on February 14 once a round," said Grace in Kertanegara, Monday, January 22.

"Moreover, here are Trisakti alumni, Pancasila, UI. We've known from the start when we took to the streets, it's scary, really scary. So when senior friends have gone down, everything will be done," continued the Deputy Chairman of the PSI Board of Trustees.

Grace said the commitment of alumni and college academics to straighten the ideals of reform back on track is in line with Prabowo-Gibran's vision and mission. In particular, presenting pro-people policy programs and polite campaigns without hate narratives.

"Solid, if it is moving, no one will shout reforms anymore but the policy is not pro-people, shout reforms but hate narratives," said Grace.

Grace said Prabowo had also shown the spirit of reform when joining the government of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"These two people showed a big spirit when Pak Jokowi and Pak Prabowo decided on their respective egos and went out together. This is the real spirit reform. Because it is impossible for us to reform, it is impossible for us to build if the narrative is still in progress. All coalition parties are embraced so that Indonesia can progress, Indonesia is gold," said Grace.