Ganjar Pranowo Optimistic Supporting Party Is More Solid

LAMPUNG - In the open campaign "People's Celebrations" at Expo Kalanda Field, South Lampung Regency, Ganjar Pranowo's presidential candidate (candidate) said he was optimistic that the party's strength would look more solid.

"This shows that we are solid. PDI Perjuangan is solid, the supporting parties are all solid and it is shown. Yesterday in Bandung Pak Mardiono (Ketum PPP) came, Mbak Puan (Maharini) came, then Pak Hary Tanoe (Ketum Partai Perindo) also joined there. Mr. OSO (Oesman Sapta Odang) held their own event. That is, they support," said Ganjar as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 22.

Ganjar emphasized that currently his party is trying to encourage the party's strength to be further consolidated and prepare itself in the field.

"So, we are increasingly optimistic," he said.

Ganjar also said that Lampung is one of the areas targeted to gain big votes.

"Of course the target has been prepared by the TPD team (Regional Winning Team) and DPD. Lampung is one of the most powerful," he explained.

After attending an open campaign in Lampung, Ganjar will go to the Special Region of Yogyakarta to meet with members of the DPC, TPC, Candidates for Legislative Parties for the Coalition, and Volunteers at the Residence of the Chairman of the PDI-P DPC Gunungkidul.