Ganjar Will Vote At Lempongsari TPS Semarang

President Ganjar Pranowo and acting Governor of Central Java Nana Sudjana are confirmed to be registered in the Semarang City Additional Voters List (DPTb) for the 2024 General Election.

Head of the Semarang City General Election Commission (KPU) Henry Casandra Gultom explained that the two had taken care of moving to enter the city of Semarang.

"To our knowledge, we have carried out management in Semarang. The location of the polling station (voting place) is in Lempongsari (for Ganjar, ed.)," said Nanda, her nickname, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 22.

Ganjar had previously been registered on the Permanent Voter List (DPT) in the Raung area, Gajahmungkur, Semarang, then moved to vote in Lempongsari, Semarang.

Because moving to vote is still in one electoral district (dapil), said Nanda, Ganjar is certainly still getting a complete ballot letter, including the Semarang City DPRD ballot.

As for the Acting Governor of Central Java, Nana Sudjana has taken care of moving to vote so that she can use her voting rights in Semarang City in the 2024 General Election.

"The Acting Governor has moved to vote in Semarang. Other officials have not yet carried out the transfer of votes," he said.

Even though it has been recorded in the Semarang City DPTb, Nanda cannot confirm whether both of them will use their voting rights at the polling stations that have been determined because choosing is their right.

"Based on the data, it seems like that (voting in Semarang), but again choosing is a right. It can be used, or not," he said.

Previously, the Semarang City KPU had determined the DPTb for the 2024 General Election, namely 16,453 voters moved in (5,994 men and 10,509 women) and 10,874 voters moved out (5,114 men and 5,760 women).

Most voters moving in are students scattered in the Tembalang and Gunungpati areas where there are a number of universities.