The Settlement Of The Krian And Kewall Flyover Is Speeded Up To Support The Mojokerto-Sepanjang Double Line

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) through the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) continues to strive so that the construction of flyovers or flyovers of Krian and Kewalls can be completed according to the target.

This was done to support the operation of the Mojokerto-Sepanjang Doubles Line which had been completed and operated as of December 1, 2023.

Director General of Railways Risal Wasal said that the two flyovers were built to eliminate level crossings on the Mojokerto-Sepanjang Doubles Line.

"DJKA is always committed to improving the safety, security and comfort of train travel, including through the construction of non-field crossings," Risal said in his official statement, quoted Monday, January 22.

Risal assessed that the crossing in question was not a crossover between the road and the railroad tracks which were built separately through the flyover and underpass.

The construction of non-field crossings is an effort made by DJKA to reduce level crossings and reduce the number of accidents involving road transportation by train.

The flyover was built in Krian District, Sidoarjo Regency and Tarik District, Sidoarjo Regency, to replace the level crossing with registration numbers JPL 64 and JPL 79.

As of January 14, 2024, it is known that the progress of the Kewall Flyover construction (substitution of JPL 79) has reached 93.5 percent. Meanwhile, the progress of the Krian Flyover (substitution of JPL 64) has reached 96.4 percent.

According to Risal, the construction of the Krian Flyover is intended to break the density at the Lima Krian Intersection during peak hours in the morning and evening.

"With the operation of a double line, the frequency of trains crossing this intersection will increase. So, we feel the need to secure train travel while ensuring the safety of road users through the construction of this flyover," he said.

Meanwhile, the Kewall Flyover was built to improve the safety of train travel (KA) as well as provide safer access to connect Tarik Village and Kewall Village.

Before the flyover was built, there was a connecting road between villages located in the Kewall Station emblasis so that it could potentially endanger train travel and threaten the safety of residents who are active around this crossing.

Furthermore, said Risal, the construction of the Mojokerto-Sepanjang Doubles Line is part of the construction of the South Java Doubles Line.

In addition to the construction of non-field crossings, the dual line project work includes increasing rail lanes and bearings (originally R42 to R54), improving operational facilities (siling, telecommunications and electricity) as well as revitalizing station buildings, bridges and other supporting buildings.

"In general, the construction of the South Java Doubles Line is a form of our commitment to improving the safety, speed and reliability of train services. So, we continue to focus on completing this project on other path sections," he concluded.