Beware And Recognize The Symptoms Of 6 Types Of Diseases That Attack The Stomach

JAKARTA - One part of the body, the stomach, is often problematic due to an unhealthy lifestyle. For those of you who often have problems with the stomach, it must be very disturbing. A number of problems in the stomach, ranging from mild to severe, need to be recognized and watched out for.

The stomach is an important organ in the body. Its function is very significant because the stomach functions to manage, process, and absorb the food essence that is consumed. To manage and process food, the stomach produces acid known as stomach acid.

One thing that is problematic will affect all the mechanisms of the body, including if you experience problems with the stomach, immediately recognize the symptoms and take action to cure them.

Well, the first step is to identify the symptoms and types of diseases that attack the stomach below.


Dyspepsia, also known as ulcers, is caused by various problems in the stomach or upper stomach. This ulcer is associated with stomach ulcers, gastric cancer, gastritis, stomach infections, and stress.

Cited from Dokter Sehat, Tuesday, February 23, the five diseases above can also cause pain in the gut. Symptoms include a frequent feeling of fullness and bloating in the stomach.

The discomfort is weight loss and a lack of appetite. In fact, the pain triggers nausea, making it difficult to swallow food.

Gastric acid or GERD

Don't be mistaken, between dyspepsia and GERD, it does experience the same symptoms like pain in the gut. However, gastric acid or GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) will also feel acidic in the oral cavity, frequent belching, dry cough, and hiccups.

The cause of stomach acid is an increase in the level of acid produced by the stomach. Actually, the acid in the stomach is useful to help digest food. But because more is produced than needed, it causes gastric problems

Several causes, generally triggered by several things, including excessive drinking of caffeinated drinks, sleeping after eating, drinking alcoholic habits, and obesity.

The quick way to treat stomach acid is to manage your meal portions and avoid sleeping after eating. Carbohydrate foods need to be limited so that acids are not produced in excess. Now, when suddenly you have stomach acid, you can chew gum for a while to relieve it.

That is, to cure GERD, a process that is not instant. In order not to be bothered by this gastric disease, you can adjust to a healthier lifestyle.

Gastric ulcer

Gastric ulcers occur due to injuries to the stomach wall. The cause of eroded walls is caused by several things, including infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori helicobacter, prolonged drinking of aspirin, and too spicy food.

Symptoms are similar to GERD and ulcers, pain in the gut. What distinguishes it is that gastric ulcers are often followed by bleeding in the stool.

Illustration of holding belly and chest (Pexels/cottonbro)


Gastroparesis is a condition in which the stomach is too slow to digest food. This functional disorder occurs when the muscles of the stomach wall cannot work effectively.

The causes of gastroparesis are thyroid disorders, diabetes, side effects of taking medications, and the effects of stomach radiation therapy on cancer sufferers. This gastroparesis disease occurs in diabetics when blood sugar drops.

Symptoms include nausea, flatulence, low blood sugar, and abdominal pain.


Inflammation of the stomach or gastritis occurs because the lining of the stomach wall is damaged. This layer is in the form of glands that produce digestive enzymes and stomach acid.

Causes of gastritis include bacterial infection, bile reflux, autoimmune infections of the body, and consumption of drugs containing nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents.

The most distinguishing symptom from other gastric disease symptoms is dark stool followed by vomiting of blood.


Gastroenteritis is also known as stomach flu, the cause is the consumption of unclean food, contaminated water, and can be transmitted after contact with sufferers. This gastric flu has different causes experienced by children and adults.

In children, it is caused by norovirus and rotavirus infection. Whereas in adults because it is infected with the campylobacter bacteria.