Get To Know 7 Diseases In Mawar Plants And How To Overcome Them

JAKARTA - Like all plants, roses can be attacked by many diseases and pests. There are common diseases that attack rose flower plants. These diseases can cause rose flower plants to suffer and lose beautiful flowers.

Quoted from Garden Almanac, Friday, January 19, the following is a disease that can quickly cause damage to rose plants.

This is a common disease and seriously attacks rose plants. Black speckle disease or diplocarpon rosae is caused by fungi. The initial sign is the appearance of small black spots at the bottom of the leaves. Then, these spots are then surrounded by yellow areas. Slowly, the leaves will fall. In the end, black spots will spread to the leaves with a higher position and cover the plants. Leaves will indeed grow again. But if the root of this disease problem is not addressed properly, then gradually the plants start to weaken.

This is another problem of rose plants. The flour mushrooms (caused by the Sphaerotheca fungi pannosa var.rosae) make leaves, shoots, and buds appear to be sprinkled with baby powder. In addition, the leaves will look dry and rolled over.

Karat rose is another fungal disease that attacks rose shrubs and causes orange spots on the leaves. This disease often starts at the bottom before spreading to both sides. The spots can turn from orange to brown and then black, eventually causes the leaves to turn yellow and then fall out. Monitor the plants regularly, so you can pick and destroy the infected leaves in the early stages of infection. Avoid wetting the leaves and get rid of the fallen leaves.

The mosaic rose virus is not a fungal disease, but a virus. This can cause the leaves to change color and be distorted, reduce overall strength of the plant, and decrease in flowering. Unfortunately, nothing can be done for rose plants that die from the mosaic virus. This is a systemic disease that cannot return. The infected mawar must be removed from the garden and disposed of properly.

Downy Mildew is caused by fungal-like pathogens, peronospora sparsa (which is technically a water fungus). This plant thrives in cool and humid weather, especially in greenhouses and nurserys, but also in the yard.

Similar to black spots, flower disease begins with yellow spots or spots on the top of the leaves (while black spots start near the bottom of the plant). Spots of comorbidities also appear along the leaf veins. Over time, the color becomes black or dark, and the leaves of the plant fall out.

Botrytis is a fungal disease that turns rose into brown and can stop the opening of buds. Most active mushrooms during hot and humid weather. Thus, avoid sprinkling on top of the plant and make sure to check and regularly cut wilted rose flowers to get rid of flowers that can be a breeding ground for fungi.

Be careful when you cultivate roses, because giving too much nitrogen fertilizer to plants can create a lot of new growth that is more susceptible to botrytis. Every infected flower or bud must be thrown away.

roset disease is very serious and untreatable. Also called a magic broom, the rose rosette virus (RRV) is caused by a virus carried by a small tuhau, which is a curly tue of rose leaves (Phyllocoptes fructiphilus) which consumes cell sap.

This disease can cause leaves to become deformed, the shoots become red, and the thorn is excessive, spread throughout the plant. Then, the plant will die within two years. This disease also spreads to other rose plants.

Roset roses are commonly found in wild roses, so make sure you don't plant your rose plant around wild roses. nearby. The infected Rose must be thrown away immediately including its roots. Because it could be an infected tubang nest. To try to stop the spread of disease, spray the infected rose with bifenthrin spray every two weeks from spring to fall.