Anti Jetlag Tips When Traveling
YOGYAKARTA - Had difficulty sleeping or the sleep agenda became chaotic when traveling through different time zones? This situation is commonly known as jet lag. Well, this situation will cause biological hours of the body to be disrupted. Need anti-jetlag tips?
Meanwhile, biological or cirkadian clocks are systems that the body has to regulate when to sleep and fly. Fortunately, jet lag is not a chronic situation, in other words it only lasts a while. Even so, jet lag felt by the elderly takes longer to recover than other age groups. Well, the question is, what is the method of tackling jet lag so that biological clocks return to normal?
Factors Cause Jet Lag
Factors that make a person experience jet lag include:
There are many signs or symptoms experienced by a person when experiencing a jet lag. Highly obvious symptoms are fatigue and drowsiness in the morning or during the day, and cannot fall asleep at night. However, there are also other symptoms of jet lag that a person can feel. For example:
Well, if the signs above don't improve in a few days, immediately meet a doctor to get the right action.
Consider Medicines
Take the method of tackling the jet lag above is not effective, try to go to the doctor to get help. Doctors may be prescribing sleeping pills or sedatives to tackle insomnia. This drug can help us sleep throughout our conversations and a few days later.
Although it can increase the duration and quality of sleep at night, these drugs are not significant to reduce the symptoms of jet lag during the day. Things that need to be underlined, discuss with the doctor before taking this drug. Stay away from using sleeping pills that are sold freely without a doctor's advice.
In addition, we also provide an article 'Long Travel Tips During Fasting' so that your worship is more lancer.
So after knowing anti-jetlag tips, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!