How ABS Brakes Work In Cars: Function, How To Work, And Maintenance Tips

YOGYAKARTA Simply put the ABS brakes on the car is a type of car brake that is useful for slowing down to stopping the speed of the vehicle. Unlike the thromol brakes, the way ABS brakes work is more complicated as well as more effective in holding back the wheel.

The ABS brake or Anti-Lock Braking System is a braking system that aims to maintain safety while preventing car wheels from being locked when they step on the brakes suddenly.

As an illustration, it can be seen in old cars that use an old braking system. When driving and drivers suddenly step on the brakes, the wheels will immediately be locked and make the movement of the car undirected and even have the potential to slip. Different on the ABS brakes, the wheels are unlocked so that the driver can still change the direction of the car until it stops perfectly.

The way ABS brakes work is to stop the wheel by involving various components that help control the pressure on each wheel when braking occurs. When the brake pedal is stepped on, the system will automatically remove and repeat the pressure once the wheels can still touch the road.

The ABS brake also involves sensors in each wheel. When braking, the sensor sends a signal to the control unit of ABS to evaluate the speed of wheels and then adjust the pressure appropriately.

When the ABS brake pedal is stepped on suddenly, the hydraulic system gives orders to the pump to send the brake oil pressure adjusted to the condition of the tires and the condition of the car. The brake oil pressure itself is set automatically so that a decrease in speed without a wheel lock is possible.

Before the wheel lock occurs, the controller receives data from the speed sensor and then instructs the valve to adjust the pressure using the position 2 valve or position 3. That way the driver is easier to control the car's stopping direction.

When the tire lock was detected, ABS immediately pumped the brakes 100 times per second so that it stopped the wheels from slipping. Basically, ABS works through 3 stages, which is as follows.

As explained earlier, the ABS braking system involves various components. Some of these components are the following, quoted from the Hyundai site.

ABS brake treatment must be carried out appropriately so that the work system is optimal. Here are tips for treating ABS brakes.

That's information regarding how ABS brakes work in cars. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.