Central Jakarta KPU Simulation Of Votes At TPS For Persons With Disabilities
The General Election Commission (KPU) of Central Jakarta City (Jakpus) conducted a simulation of services for persons with disabilities at a special polling place (TPS).
The simulation includes the implementation of the vote until this calculation takes place in the courtyard of the Central Jakarta Mayor's Office in Tanah Abang, Wednesday, January 17.
"Today we are conducting a simulation of voting or simulation of the voting group (KPPS) chosen participants. This simulation is useful because we are trying to bring a real atmosphere during the voting period later," said Head of the Central Jakarta KPU Effniadiyansyah.
Based on Antara's observation, the members of the KPPS who carried out the simulation were seen wearing traditional clothes, like the voting day on February 14.
The simulation was also attended not only by the Mayor of Central Jakarta Dhany Sukma, but also the Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Susatyo Purnomo Condro, and Dandim 0501/JP Lt. Col. Inf Bangun IE Siregar.
The presence of these stakeholders is expected to provide a clear picture and information in the division of tasks and the authority of each device.
In the simulation, the Central Jakarta KPU also seeks to provide facilities and services for people with disabilities, including ballots for the visually impaired.
"With some visual impairments, we also present today so that we know and they can feel what we facilitate, including ballots with braille letters," said Efni.
The Central Jakarta KPU uses 125 ballots in this simulation, while on the day of voting, around 300 ballots are provided for each polling station or adjust the number of registered DPTs. Reserve ballots are also provided at 2 percent of the total number of DPTs.