Ganjar Will Optimize Data Collection On Fisherman's Solar Subsidy Distribution

PEKALONGAN - Candidate Ganjar Pranowo said his party would optimize data collection to facilitate the distribution of diesel subsidy assistance for fishermen.

"Regarding the fuel of fishermen, the complaints are in many places. The important thing is to provide quotas, so I ask if there is an SPDN or not? If there is, just count the quota. Because this is a subsidy, it needs to be recorded. If it is not recorded, later those who are not entitled to receive subsidies will also buy," said Ganjar Pranowo when meeting representatives of fishermen and farmers at Wonokerto Beach, Pekalongan, reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 16.

Ganjar Pranowo listened to the aspirations of fishermen who are members of the Pekalongan Fishermen Association (HNSI) related to a number of problems, including the issue of uneven distribution of diesel subsidies.

According to Ganjar, the problem with diesel subsidies in addition to the quota problem is a matter of data collection. Therefore, data collection is very important.

The data collection is in line with the Ganjar-Mahfud program, namely the Sakti KTP which will unify all data on the profiles of the people who receive government assistance in one card.

With this method, Sakti's ID cards will make it easier for the government to help the community more smoothly and on target.

Therefore, Ganjar encouraged HNSI as a forum for fishermen to collect data properly so that fishermen who really have the right to receive assistance can receive it without social jealousy.

So, a solar packaged fisherman dealer (SPDN) needs to help make it easier to record all existing fishermen.

"When it comes to fuel, why does there need to be SPDN? Special fuel for fishermen and I repeat the data on fishermen receiving subsidies must be correct, so they are really distributed," said Ganjar.