KPK Claims To Save State Finances Of Up To IDR 524.5 Billion Throughout 2023

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) claims to have saved state finances of up to IDR 525.4 billion throughout 2023. This money was obtained from hundreds of corruption cases handled for a year.

"Then from a number of case handlings above, the KPK managed to carry out asset recovery of Rp525,415,553,599," said KPK Temporary Chair Nawawi Pomolango in a press conference on the KPK's 2023 performance at the KPK's Red and White building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, January 16.

Nawawi then detailed that the hundreds of billions consisted of non-tax state revenues (PNBP) with a total value of IDR 384.4 billion. Of this amount, there was looted money from a criminal act of corruption (TPK) of IDR 69,817164,742.

"Asset recovery is one of the real benefits of eradicating corruption in state cash income through non-tax state revenues," he said.

Then, the looted proceeds from the crime of money laundering (TPPU) reached Rp. 151,500,281. During 2023 there were at least eight cases that had been handled, said Nawawi.

The following are the details of the money laundering cases handled by the KPK throughout 2023:

1. Muhammad Syahrir from the criminal act of corruption in bribery and gratification of permits in the Riau Provincial Government; 2.Gazalba Saleh from the criminal act of corruption in cases at the Supreme Court (MA);3.late. Lukas Enembe from the crime of corruption in gratification in the Papua Provincial Government; 4. Rijantono Lakka from the crime of corruption in gratification in the Papua Provincial Government;5. Rafael Alun Trisambodo from the crime of corruption in gratification at the Directorate General of Taxes of the Ministry of Finance; 6. Andhi Pramono from the crime of gratification corruption at the Directorate General of Customs; 7. Catur Prabowo from the fictitious procurement crime at PT Amarta Karya; 8. Syahrul Yasin Limpo in the crime of extortion corruption in the Ministry of Agriculture.