TKN Claims Jokowi And Prabowo Like People Are Falling In Love

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Silfester Matutina is optimistic that presidential and vice presidential candidates number 2, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka will receive support from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). According to Silfester, the closeness of Jokowi and Prabowo is like someone who is in love.This was conveyed by Silfester after receiving a declaration of support from volunteers in Kertanegara, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Tuesday, January 16.Silfester said that the large number of supports that came indicated that the public's interest in candidate pair 02 was very large. Even in other events held by other candidate pairs, he said, the community actually raised their fingers for candidate pair number 2."This declaration adds to our enthusiasm as the candidate pair 02 team. And also many declarations from 01 and 03 that moved to us. These are natural signs, apart from the sale of the light blue shirt, it was selling well, at the concerts held by 01 and 03 which were raised in two finger greetings with a gemoy. This is a sign that candidate pair 02 can win big in this presidential election," said Silfester in Kertanegara, Tuesday, January 16.The victory, continued Silfester, is getting closer because Jokowi, who also has a mass base, supports Prabowo-Gibran. Unmitigated, he said, Jokowi supports candidate pair 02 to 200 percent. He claimed that he had heard directly from Jokowi saying love for Prabowo."We are very confident because the majority of the existing Jokowi volunteers go to candidate pair 02 and even though Pak Jokowi is unlikely to release Gibran, right, and Pak Prabowo," he said."And when I asked the president during the meeting at Fak-Fak, I said that Mr. Prabowo loves you, dear he said. Then you said, 'i love you fully to Pak Prabowo 200 percent". That means number two," claimed Silfester.In addition, there was a moment when Jokowi and Prabowo had dinner together in the Menteng area some time ago. Silfester then said that the two were like lovers who were talking from heart to heart."Moreover, yesterday's dinner together like someone else fell in love, like we're dating girls, right. There's a feeling of love expressed. Not talking hard, if the heavy one must be at a limited meeting," said Silfester.
"Because Pak Jokowi believes Pak Prabowo is a brave figure, an independent figure who is not under the oligarchy of a party or a foreigner who can bring Indonesia into a developed country towards a golden Indonesia. There is no other choice," he concluded.