Female Influencer In Mataram Involved In Online Arisan Mode Fraud, Victim's Money 'flows' Into Slot Gambling
MATARAM - Mataram Police, West Nusa Tenggara, handled a case of alleged fraud by an influencer or influencer with the initials BEY (23) who carried out the mode of creating online social gatherings on one of the social media platformsHead of the Mataram Police Satreskrim Kompol I Made Yogi Purusa Utama said that his party handled this case based on a follow-up to reports from three residents who claimed to be victims."From the follow-up to the report, we have named BEY as a suspect based on the evidence we got from the results of the investigation," said Yogi in Mataram, Antara, Tuesday, January 16.Evidence related to the victim's statement, proof of the deposit of social gathering money, and a written copy of the conversation between the social gathering participants and the suspect in an online social media social gathering group WhatsApp."In this case, we have also listened to the opinions of criminal, language and ITE (information and electronic transactions) experts," he said.The act of this woman from Gunungsari, West Lombok Regency is suspected of fulfilling the suspicion of Article 372 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 378 of the Criminal Code."From the legal process we carried out, now we have detained suspect BEY at the Mataram Police Detention Center," he said.BEY has been running this online social gathering since July 2023. During the past 3 months, BEY managed to embrace 17 participants with a total deposit of IDR 450 million."The first month of deposit method is Rp. 2 million, the second is Rp. 1.9 million and the third is Rp. 1.8 million. So, when the fourth month has been closed," he said.From the investigation process, it was revealed that several fictitious participants were deliberately made by the suspect to attract the victim's interest."Therefore, the number of participants could be up to tens of people. Only 17 participants actually reported, only three people reported," said Yogi.Of the three victims alone, he continued, the suspect was recorded as receiving a deposit of Rp92 million. The suspect admitted that the money had been used for deposits to other participants."He said, the victim's money was deposited with other participants, and many participants were not deposited, so the members were stuck," he said.However, from the process of tracing the suspect's financial transactions, it was revealed that money entered the online gambling operator. The nominal is quite large and is carried out regularly. The victim's money is allegedly used up for the gambling.
"There is quite a lot of transactions, from the search results, the money goes to the operator of the slot gambling (online). So, there are allegations that the deposit money has run out for gambling," he said.