The Eruption Of Mount Lewotobi Laki, Wunopito Airport In Lembata Is Temporarily Closed

NTT - Wunopito Airport in Lewoleba, Lembata Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province was temporarily closed due to volcanic ash from the eruption of Mount Lewotobi Laki potentially disturbing flights.

"The airport in Lewoleba was temporarily closed due to volcanic ash from Mount Lewotobi," said General Manager of AirNav Indonesia Kupang Branch I Nyoman Oka Wirana in Kupang, Monday, January 15, confiscated by Antara.

This was conveyed by AirNav regarding the development of flights from El Tari Kupang Airport to a number of airports on Flores Island, especially those adjacent to the location of the Mount Lewotobi Male eruption.

He said the closure of the flight route started at 10.00 WITA and will end at 16.00 WITA this afternoon.

"Later, further developments will be conveyed if there is a change," he said.

Oka Wirana said that with the naked eye of the Volcanic Ash, Mount Lewotobi Male was not seen or found at the airport when the Paper Test was carried out. But the dust is above the air area of Lewoleba City.

This is known based on the results of satellite imagery photos. In addition, it can also be based on reports from aircraft pilots crossing Lewoleba's airspace.

Public Relations of El Tari Kupang Airport, Tyas Novitasari, said that currently there is no flight to the airport.

"But it is true that there has been an airport closure," he said.

With the airport closure, now four airports have had direct impacts and have been forced to close due to safety due to the volcanic eruption.

The four airports are Ende airport, Maumere Airport, Sikka Regency, Bandara in Larantuka, East Flores and airport in Lewoleba, Lembata Regency.